OK. We know enough about the problems we face, personally and globally, so let’s explore solutions.
Einstein advised that we can’t solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them. So, how could we think differently about solutions?
How about re-thinking the word itself? A solution is something that fixes a problem, right? But a solution is also a medium, usually water plus specific additives. For instance, we might use a de-greasing solution to clean metal, or drink water with baking soda in it to aid digestion. Solutions are mediums formulated to create a specific effect; some are instruments of significant transformation, like heavy water in a nuclear power plant.
The solution we need to address our problems in an entirely novel way is a transformational medium that can grow a sustainable society ofpeace, creativity, and joy. So, let’s describe how this can happen.
Picture a glass of clear water. You are holding a dropper ofink over it and you release a single droplet. Imagine it falling, hitting thewater, and beginning to disperse, first as a feathery cloud of black and then gradually diluting the entire glass into murky grey.
That single drop permeated the entire medium. One drop.Now imagine expressing yourself just like that droplet of ink, transmitting into the ocean of human consciousness. Whatever you express – fear, love, anger, compassion – it too will eventually permeate the entire medium.
One drop won’t transform the ocean, but it does affect it. This means that the most important question isn’t, what are the answers to our problems, but what qualities do we need to express and how much, to significantly alter the medium (mass consciousness) that is incubating, growing, and sustaining modern society, with its myriad of seemingly unsolvable problems?
Consciousness (symbolized by the water) is already dirty. How do we clean it up? Here are a few possibilities with their likely results:
1. Stir the water with a spoon. Lots of activism but the pollution doesn’t clear up.
2. Shake the solution. Again, there’s no change.
3. Contemplate the glass, praying for it to change. Nope, nada.
4. Strike a committee to develop an action plan. Uh, no progress.
Here’s an option that actually works. Imagine placing that murky glass of water in a bowl. We fill up a large pitcher and begin pouring clear water into the glass. Very quickly It begins to overflow into the bowl. Nothing changes immediately but if we continue pouring, that glass of dirty water begins to change color. And if we persevere, it will eventually become crystal clear.
LoveCasting can be described this way. We express qualities that change consciousness. Our single drop combines with other drops and as we continue pouring out our transmissions of love and gratitude and peace and joy, the medium begins to clarify. It’s inevitable, it’s unstoppable, it’s transformative. The only question is, will we (in sufficient numbers) actually do it and will we persevere until we’ve cleaned up the mess?
This explains why I’m aiming for one million LoveCasters on active duty by May 1, 2025. To begin contributing, you need do nothing more than set your smart phone for noon and tune in each day for a mini-meditation. I’ve introduced this concept to many hundreds, perhaps thousands of people but there are only a handful actually doing it every day so far.
Will you become one of them? Set your phone and begin broadcasting the qualities you choose to help change the energy field we all share. Never give up, and tell your friends.
Please, become part of the solution.