Don’t Just Do Something, StandThere – Part One
The phrase, “Don’t just standthere, do something” perfectly captures our human addiction to impulsive and premature action. It results in what another well-known phrase describes as “kicking the can down the road” and yet another (which could become our species epitaph): “Why is there always enough time to do things over but never enough time to do them right the first time?”
Here’s the problem we shudder toface: There is an end to that road. We eventually do run out of time and can’t pull off just one more re-do. My grandmother told me about this fifty years ago: The chickens come home to roost. Well, they’re home now and impossible to ignore any longer.
Life in 2021 is survival in aperpetual hurricane world of unintended consequences that take turns disruptingand sometimes taking our lives:
- A condo in Florida collapses because of poorconstruction plus procrastination on making long overdue repairs. Why would residentsof aged condos everywhere be biting their nails now?
- Roads and bridges and power grids and watersystems fail across the world because promising infrastructure repairs doesn’twin elections. Another heat wave strikes; will the a/c stay on?
- Untested medicines are mandated for everyone, without concern for long-term side effects. Have government agencies ever buried/altered statistics before; has mainstream media ever polished turds?
- China is building biolabs in all 23 provinces, despite concerns about leakage risks. What could ever escape a high-security facility and harm us?
- This list could continue for a long while.
Most people remain numb, some complain, a few protest and even fight, but the truly wise know that this oh somagnificent modern society is in dramatic decline now, beyond saving. We’ve been tricked into using artificial intelligence to construct a polarized society, enslaving us in the matrix of ones and zeroes, right and wrong, either-ors, with even remotely nuanced questioning of impulsive assumptions outlawed as unpatriotic conspiracy theory.
We are workers at the grindstone, consumers in virtual malls, toiling in the twilight of a crumbling empire where free will is becoming a crime. 2019 was The Year of the Protest, a last gasp global outcry, but the plandemic shut it down. Large public gatherings pushing back against encroachment of our personal freedoms? That’s over, probably forever. Such exercises in civil disobedience have been rebranded as “super spreader” events, ironically accurate if you consider what was really being spread: the contagious power of individuals rising up to resist dehumanizing global agendas.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned. A string quartet played while the Titanic went down. What will you and I do once we’ve accepted that this ill-conceived human experiment has failed?
Some of us will make the single most important decision of our lives. We’ll stop the tape, pause the movie, take abreath, and we’ll start telling a different story. In that new story, this irrational human experiment is over. We leave the lab and begin striding through the world with a different purpose. And this new story has a very different ending, just as inevitable.
Something wonderful ishappening.
The sun is still shining. The tides are flowing. Planets are orbiting, stars are being born and dying, the seasons still come and go, nature flourishes, our hearts are beating, and our fingernails are growing (all without our personal management). Everything natural continues, as it will forever, regardless of how thoroughly we humans shoot ourselves in the foot and everywhere else our panicked, poorly thought through “solutions” might aim us. Meanwhile, safely hidden from those who would stop it if they could, humans are evolving along with the rest of the cosmos.
Something wonderful is happening that has always been happening and always will be happening. Call it what you will: God, universal life energy, cosmic intelligence, Love (my fave), whatever has been orchestrating absolutely everything perfectly well since the beginning of time is continuing to do so, whether we humans choose to participate or not, and we cannot exempt ourselves from a universal evolutionary process. Something wonderful is happening to you and to me and to every human, whether we know it or not. Something catalytic is igniting us… I call it The Awakening Impulse.
So, what do we do about it? We’ve started here by confronting a potentially fatal human error, a failure that cannot be fixed. This reveals a radical possibility, that we are not nearing our demise as a species, but our transformation. Furthermore, even though it’s affecting everyone, it can only fully activate in those who choose it. Responding actively to The Awakening Impulse, we consciously opt out of the doomed human experiment – creating a technology driven world disconnected from Love – to participate in the evolutionary experience - becoming one with God, one with Love. This choice to abandon a human experiment in favor of a universal experience shifts us onto a new life track, heading towards a fundamentally different future.
Our passport on this journey? Humility. But we can’t buy humility, we must trade for it and what’s required in exchange is our arrogance. Can you volunteer that exchange as you read? Repeat after me: “I acknowledge that we humans have utterly failed to create a sustainable world without God/Love. OK, got it. I am waking up now, feeling my confusion and frustration turn into astonishment and remorse and, wow, gratitude that I have a second chance! Nothing is over. The future is not set in stone. I can create a new one! And I can start right now.”
Transformation is not subtle. If we’ve been using the word and expecting anything close to “normal” to continue, forget it. What’s coming, brewing in our very cells as I write and you read, is colossal. None of us have ever experienced anything remotely like this, not ever.
Inspirational writers like to reference the caterpillar to butterfly transformation. Nice example. But, really? Imagine. Here are two completely different life forms. Now, that’s a huge transformation! It’s fundamental. Can you accept that this degree of dramatic change could actually happen for you, that you could become that different, not fully during this life time but that the first stage of this transformational process is being activated in you by The Awakening Impulse?
Of course, what’s often left out of that poetic metaphor is the early stage, that in-between condition where the caterpillar dissolves into goo. She must die to her old self and become nothing, gestate in a chrysalis, then emerge and fly. That transitional zone is unavoidable.
We’re in the goo right now, individually and globally. Don’t expect a Disney happy ending any time soon. What will our theme song be while we gestate? How about, “Don’t just do something, stand there.” No more desperate, fear-based actions trying to shore up an irretrievably broken human world of cataclysmic unintended consequences. Let’s relax. Let’s abide in patience, cradled in Love.
The wheels have come off the wagon. Why keep trying to fix them? Forget the wagon, forget the road. We are destined to fly!
So, let’s choose this new story and find out what happens to us!
Next week: Part Two – I Could Be Wrong